主角是易家禾,崔潇昀的小说叫《You Took My Heart Away》,是作者冬禾写的一本都市情缘、GL、BE小说,文中的爱情故事凄美而纯洁,文笔极佳,实力推荐。小说精彩段落试读:晋江14.4.14完结
You Took My Heart Away
Staring at the moon so blue
Turning all my thoughts to you
I was without hopes or dreams
I tried to dull an inner scream but you
saw me through
Walking on a path of air
See your faces everywhere
As you melt this heart of stone
you take my hand to guide me home and now
I'm in love
You took my heart away
when my whole world was gray
You gave me everything
and a little bit more
And when it's cold at night
and you sleep by my side
you become the meaning of my life
内容标签:都市情缘 情有独钟
搜索关键字:主角:易家禾,崔潇昀 ┃ 配角:Sophia,殷悦,沈君 ┃ 其它:
⑴ 《You Took My Heart Away》是一篇精彩的现代言情类作品,希望广大书友支持正版,支持作者。
⑵ 《You Took My Heart Away》为作者冬禾原创小说作品,由网友上传分享, 如有内容侵犯您的合法权益,请及时与我们联系,我们将第一时间安排删除。
⑶ 《You Took My Heart Away》为网站作者冬禾所著虚构作品,本站只为广大书友提供免费电子阅读平台,不涉及任何真实人物、事件,作品中的观点和立场与本站的立场无关,请勿将杜撰作品与现实挂钩。